Another year is done

Wow 2017 is going to be over in a few hours and I have had some time to think about the last year. I have gotten in better health! Walked not one but two 10ks this year! Went on a great vacation for Sanibel Florida! Planted a wonderful garden. Made better choices for my eating! Kept my blood pressure under control. Had family come and visit at my house for the first time ever! And my business did pretty well this last year as well! I have had a pretty blessed year really!

As 2018 comes rushing in I want to take a few minutes and share what my plans are for the new year.

Business wise I am taking a Master Class and learning more about portraits and getting more candid photos of my clients. Try and get there natural appearance. Even going to work on selling some of my work. Reading the Photographers Market 2018 book and going to get my work out there a bit! Starting January off with promo photos of a client for her new radio show…so exciting!

Still going to work on my health. The gym a few days a week and then some added stretching at home. I plan to walk the Air Force 10k again in 2018 and walk it a bit faster than in 2017. A few 5Ks I’m sure are going to happen as well. Plan to keep taking inches and weight off my body and continue to cook more at home for me and the family.

Going to spend time with friends and family in 2018. Going to try and make a schedule to see people that I have missed this last year. Even if it’s a FaceTime chat. Life is to short not too!

I am taking time for me in 2018. Whether it is a walk, a trip to the gym, some quiet time or what ever I am adding this to my life in 2018. It will help my mind to me healthier as well.

May 2018 be blessed beyond all our imaginations. May we all be healthier than we have ever been and may we be doing what makes us happy!

Bring in 2018! I’m ready!

Been a little while

Sorry for being away so long.  Life has a way of getting in the way of taking a few minutes and regrouping….yeah know.

Anyway…Life is good.  My business is picking up which is a good thing :0)

The weight loss journey has had it ups and downs but I do have this to share:


In January these were tight and now I can say that I am down pretty much 4 pants sizes.  Scale hasn’t changed much but when I saw this picture it gave me the faith to keep on keeping on.  People tell me all the time that it looks like I am dropping weight….Now I believe them!

Still struggling to give up pop.  Need to work at that a little harder.  More water.  More exercise.  Its almost the cold months so Hopefully I can get back in the grind of things!

Anyway thanks for stopping in!


Who knew….

So I have been walking again.  I know its bout time but I am doing this and feeling good about it again :0)

Last week I logged 28.74 miles and 66,620 steps.  I feel good about it too!

One step is better then one more second on the couch for me. I was going to skip it today and just sleep in but God had other plans.  I woke up from a crazy nightmare and thought well I’m up I might as well walk it off and I did!  Saw a beautiful sun rise.  I am blessed.

I am drinking more water again and eating better and am feeling good!  Started measuring again this week so I will get back caught up with that on my next blog.  Watching my BP.  I am on meds but my BP is way low compared to what it has been to get me on said BP meds.  I go to the Doc in 3 weeks and I am going to talk to her about that.  If it stays low I may have to adjust by calling her.  We shall see.  My BP after a 1.5 mile walk and a 25 minute bike ride in the humidity was 117/63  that seems a bit low but Im watching it.

Other then that life is what it is.  

I made zucchini bread from scratch.  Let me tell ya it was WONDERFUL!  Neighbors liked it and I am taking a piece to my dad and sister the rest well….its mine :0)

well that is my update…..till next time…….

Today’s thoughts….

Yesterday I went to a life screening event at the Beavercreek Country Club. They were doing preventative screenings for heart disease. The whole experience only took an hour and the staff was beyond friendly. I’ll have my results in a few weeks and will have a base line on my heart and arteries.
Why is this important? My mother dies of a massive coronary at 66. If she would have had these tests done earlier then they could have slowed down and possibly even eliminated this from happening.
I gave up soda 2 weeks ago. I haven’t lost any weight yet however the measurements are still getting smaller. I talked with a nurse yesterday and she told me her hubby stopped drinking pop and dropped 40 pounds and didn’t exercise.
I am hoping now that spring is finally hear I can get out and walk. I love to just be out. My bike is ready to go as well!
I have some 5 Ks planned for this year and I want to better my time each one I do. I downloaded the couch to 5k app on my phone. I don’t want to run it but speeding up and slowing down will help with my journey!
School is winding down. 7 more weeks and I will have my associates. May not seem like much to some of you but to me it’s a major milestone accomplishment. Still not sure what I want to do with my knowledge but what ever it is I will be ready!
Taking one moment at a time……